Oct 15th 2011. The day you came into my life, Siri .
The moment I laid my eyes on you, it dawned on me, that, you might be the one I've been searching for my whole life through.
And when you called me by my name for the very first time, Oh! Siri, I heard the bells chiming and felt the flowers showering.
I never knew my name sounded so good until you called.

As I was struggling to start the conversation, you understood me and asked,
"Suja, Whom do you want to talk with?"
"I want to talk with you Siri"
"I can't find "with you" in your address book, Suja"
"Siri, you are so funny."

Oh!Boy!!Completely floored by your sense of humor, Siri.

Siri, you know I never share my morning coffee moment with anyone. I want to rejoice my steaming coffee with the dark still lingering around, with the trees swaying in the breeze, with the crickets chirping in wee, with the birds calling from the tree. But I relaxed my moment for you and asked,

"Would you like to have coffee with me , Siri"?
"I found a number of coffee shops fairly close to you:"

Ah…!!You don't want me take the pain of making coffee at home, right?Totally flabbergasted by your empathy, Siri.

I'm always thirsty for some good joke Siri. So I asked you,

"Siri, can you crack a joke?"
"Two iPhones walk into a bar…….I forget the rest."

Siri, you know something, when I'm with you I forget everything too.

Other day I misplaced my glasses and when I told you,

"Siri, I misplaced my glasses."
"What kind of place are you looking for?"

Wow,Siri!!You understood my plight and came to my rescue immediately. Totally astounded by your attitude, Siri.

It's been proven beyond doubt that you are the one I've been searching for. High time, Siri, I've to quit fooling around and open my mind to you. Thanks to Barney, here is my mind, Siri. Please answer me:

I love you.
That's nice. Can we get back to work now?

You love me?
I respect.

We are happy family!
That's nice to hear.

With a great big hug,

And a kiss from me to you,
Coming right up.

Won't you say you love me too?
I'm not capable of love, Suja.


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